🔴LIVE! Slime Shows Best Anti-Stress DIYs


Forget about stress and relax after watching this live video! We’re going to show you some of the best stress-relieving DIYs. Some of them are funny, some of them are cool, and none of them are boring! Come join the fun!

Here is what’s coming!

💜 Relaxing Orbeez Stress Ball

How to help a stressed slime to relax? Make him an anti-stress ball filled with Orbeez! It’s fun to make and fun to play with! You’ll only need a balloon and a few of these magical growing balls.

💜 Fluffy Slime

Once upon a time Slime Sam couldn’t sleep on his terrible bed and he really needed something to replace it with. What can be better for slime than slime? Nothing! Sue will show you how to mix ingredients together and make the fluffiest cloud slime there is! But what is good for a slime, can’t always be good for a human, so we don’t recommend using this slime as a pillow for yourself. But it’s so fun to play with and soooo relaxing!

💜 Fizzing Bath Bomb

What can be better than a nice hot bath after a stressful day? A bath with a fizzing bath bomb, of course! And we’ll show you how to do it yourself using rather simple ingredients! You can add essential oils and coloring to your liking and make your bath extra special!

💜 Kinetic Sand Made of Slime

What will happen if you mix sand and slime? You can make your own handmade kinetic sand! At least, that’s what Slime Sam claims. Sue wants to check his recipes out and see if they work.

💜 Easy Kinetic Sand Recipe

Have you wondered if it’s possible to make kinetic sand at home? It is! And we’ve got a perfect recipe for you! And it’s even got a very special ingredient from Slime Sam!

💜 Water-resistant Magic Sand

Have you ever seen sand that stays dry underwater? You’ve got a chance not only to see it, but to make it yourself!

💜 Squishy Paint

Get ready for the best drawing lesson from Slime Sam! He just needs to… er… get everything ready first. Ordinary paints are not fun anymore and Sue shows Sam how to make amazing puffy paints! So easy to make and so relaxing to draw with!

💜 Painting Without Brushes

Slime Sam took all of Sue’s brushes and wouldn’t give them back. Do you think that’s fair? Sue has little choice but to try drawing without any brushes at all and not with her fingers! It’s a mesmerizing process with a stunning result! A step by step tutorial provided!

💜 Slime Island

Everyone needs a vacation, even a slime. To help Sam with that, Sue makes him an adorable little island with a tin box, some slime and some kinetic sand. This little island can be a perfect stress-relieving toy for humans as well! Make sure to follow Sue’s instructions and you’ll make it in now time!

💜 Styrofoam Slime

How about slime that isn’t only perfectly stretchy, but also crunchy? If you’ve got a few pieces of styrofoam lying around, don’t throw them away, make this relaxing slime instead!

💜 Bubble Machine

Do you like making soap bubbles? How about dozens of bubbles at once? This cool machine can do that! And you’ll need rings from plastic bottle caps to make it, as well as a few other simple items! Let’s get started?

These cool stress-relieving crafts will make great gifts for you family and friends, for any occasion. Even just to make them smile! DIY gifts are the best!

10 SCHOOL HACKS You Wish You Already Knew https://youtu.be/LfxnXMzt1Kw
7 ASTONISHING PAPER CRAFTS by Slime Sam https://youtu.be/eBvtuzUZwf8